引用元:経済産業省公式ホームページ 健康経営優良法人認定制度とは
We are pleased to announce that we have been certified as one of the “Excellent Corporations for Health Management 2023” under the “Certification System for Excellent Corporations for Health Management” selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council. This certification is a high evaluation of a company’s commitment to health management, including employee health management and welfare benefits.
We value our commitment to the health of our employees and are also working to improve the work-life balance of our employees through the development of workplace environments and flexible work styles.
This recognition program is conducted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi1 and aims to create an environment in which large enterprises, SMEs, and other businesses who are practicing health and productivity management are appreciated by society.
This program has two categories: the Large Enterprise Category and the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Category. The Large Enterprise Category is for large enterprises, and the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Category is for SMEs. Enterprises are recognized as Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations in each category.2
As a result of this fiscal year’s public call, Nikkei will become the organizer and secretariat of the program, and will work to further promote health and productivity management through active PR and other activities. (Subsidized by the 2022 Health & Productivity Management Program Organization Project)
Source : METI Applications Open for the 2023 Health & Productivity Stock Selection and 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program