
弊社NCネットワークファクトリーの新事務所の内装工事や什器類の移転をお手伝い頂きました株式会社オフィス・バスターズ様の事例集(に掲載頂きました。素敵な写真を撮って頂き感激です。Our NC Network Factory’s new office is featured in the case studies of Office Busters, Inc. Office Busters Inc. helped us with the interior work and moving of fixtures for our new office.

記事はこちら(Click here to read the article)→

EVHVFCV技術展ご来場ありがとうございました!Thank you for coming to the EVHVFCV Technology Expo.


From January 19 (Wed.) to 21 (Fri.), 2022, NC Network Factory exhibited at the EVHVFCV Technology Expo (Tokyo Big Sight). Thank you for visiting our booth. This was the first time for us to show our services from mechanical design, and we also introduced our environmental efforts such as the reuse business of lithium-ion in-vehicle batteries by BASUN Co, Ltd. with the cooperation of our parent company,
DI-Nikko Engineering Co, Ltd. We received a lot of attention from the people involved in the casting and forging of leak-free aluminum parts for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. We are sure that there were some parts that we did not explain well enough, so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

NC Network Factory Booth 全体

新年あけましておめでとうございます 〜EVHVFCV技術展出展のお知らせ〜

新年あけましておめでとうございます。本年もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。NCネットワークファクトリーは、来たる1月19日(水)-21日(金) 東京ビッグサイトにて開催されます、EVHVFCV技術展に出展致します。ブース番号は東5ホール37-23です。皆様の御来場をお待ちしております!

Happy New Year to you all. We look forward to working with you again this year. We will be exhibiting at the EVHVFCV Technology Expo to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from January 19 (Wed.) to 21 (Fri.), 2022. Our booth number is 37-23, East Hall 5. We look forward to seeing you there.

ブースイメージ ブース番号 東5ホール 37-23

オフィス移転のお知らせ Notice of Office relocation


〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町3−1 昭文社本社ビル 2F (地図)
TEL: 03-6261-7233 FAX: 03-6261-7244

昭文社HDビル 外観

NC Network Factory has moved to a new office on November 15, 2021. All of us at NC Network Factory will continue to work hard to contribute to society through manufacturing. We look forward to working with you in the future.

Shobunsha Headquarters Building 2F, 3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo , Japan, zip code: 102-0083(map)

TEL: +81-3-6261-7233 FAX: +81-3-6261-7244


宇宙事業にものづくりで貢献 Manufacturing for the Space Industry



Space-related ventures have been booming in recent years. Thanks to artificial satellites, weather forecasts have already become more accurate, and anyone can watch the MLB, La Liga, and F1 Grand Prix on TV without having to go to the other side of our planet. I think it’s all about the power of manufacturing.

NC Network Factory is supporting Interstellar Technologies Inc, a private space development company headquartered in Taiki-cho, Hokkaido, to manufacture parts for their rockets. Interstellar Technologies Inc is a private space development company headquartered in Taiki-cho, Hokkaido.



On September 2, 2021, the adopted companies for the second round of the Business Restructuring Subsidy were announced on the website of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, and our “Commercialization (Prototyping and Mass Production) Services for New Products of Start-up Companies, etc.” was successfully adopted.


In the future, we will increase our services to include not only contract processing of customer drawings, but also design support for commercialization from the planning stage, as well as evaluation and analysis of prototypes for design improvement.


Once again, we will focus all our efforts on our management philosophy of “manufacturing that solves social problems and brings joy to our human life”. We look forward to working with you.




昨年6月に分社化後、初めての新年を迎えました。本年も、社会の問題解決に繋がるものづくり、人生の楽しさのためのものづくり、にスタッフ一同、全力で取り組んで参ります。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。2021年1月 株式会社NCネットワークファクトリー

This is the first New Year since the spin-off of our company on June 1st ,2020. This year, all of us will continue to do our best to create products that will help solve social problems and bring joy to people’s lives. We look forward to working with you. January 1st, 2021. NC Network Factory Co., Ltd.



クライム・ワークス長崎工場 竣工式

2020年10月14日 株式会社クライム・ワークス長崎テクニカルセンター(長崎県大村市)の竣工式が行われました。当日は大村市長が出席された他、地元メディアからも取材頂きました。本格稼働は2021年1月の予定です。

On October 14, 2020, the completion ceremony of Climb Works Nagasaki Technical Center (Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture) was held. The ceremony was attended by the mayor of Omura City and was also covered by the local media. Full-scale operation is scheduled for January 2021.


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The next generation automotive parts, such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, tend to be highly difficult to produce due to their non-existent functions and usage environment requirements, and since they are still in the early stages of market penetration, they are produced in small quantities. At NC Network Factory, we use our network of 18,000 manufacturing companies to select the best processing methods, materials, production technologies, and production equipment based on the customer’s requirements and priorities. We will respond to manufacturing at the lowest possible cost.

また自動車の電動化に伴い、モーター、バッテリー、VCU(Vehicle Control Unit)の需要が伸びております。NCネットワークファクトリーではまだ市場が未成熟だった時代から、スタートは総削り部品から供給を開始しました。市場の伸びとともに、より量産性のある工法に変化しております。ダイカスト、グラビティ金型鋳造、砂型鋳造など、高品位のアルミ鋳造技術により、薄肉軽量化、高強度化をサポートします。また、モーターシャフト、ステータなど、鍛造、プレスと加工、研磨を組み合わせた部品供給も行っております。近年は、鋳造+鍛造という形状は複雑な鋳造形状でいながら、物性は鍛造の強度と水素などの気体が漏れない気密性を両立させる工法に取り組んでおります。

The demand for motors, batteries, and VCUs (Vehicle Control Units) has been growing along with the electrification of automobiles, and the NC Network Factory started supplying parts from scratch when the market was still immature. As the market has grown, we have shifted to more mass-producible methods. High-grade aluminum casting technologies such as die casting, gravity mold casting, and sand casting support thinner, lighter, and stronger products. We also supply motor shafts, stators, and other parts that combine forging, pressing, machining, and polishing. In recent years, we have been working on a method of casting and forging that combines the strength of forging with airtightness to prevent leakage of hydrogen and other gases, while maintaining the complex shape of casting.




NCネットワークファクトリー 始動!

NCネットワークファクトリー(旧 株式会社 NCネットワーク 加工事業部)は、試作加工部品、量産加工部品、金型・治具・生産設備およびその部品などの調達支援サービスを行っています。また、完成品組立、モジュール組立、EMS電子機器製造サービスなどの生産委託をしていただくことも可能です。



NC Network Factory (formerly NC Network Corporation, Manufacturing Division) provides procurement support services for prototype machined parts, mass-produced machined parts, molds, jigs, production equipment and their parts. We can also provide outsourced production services such as finished product assembly, module assembly, and EMS electronic device manufacturing services.

Using the vast database of over 15,000 EMIDAS members in the manufacturing industry as a base, NC Network Factory acts as a contact point for orders and provides services in areas that are difficult for customers to procure from their existing suppliers alone (such as stable procurement in terms of quality and cost while mass-producing small quantities, new parts used in next-generation automobiles, new fields such as CASE compliance, new materials, etc.) through corporate collaboration regardless of industry or region.

Our main business is the production of prototypes, development parts, and mass-produced parts for major automobile and electronics manufacturers, but in recent years we have also been focusing on supporting the manufacturing activities of start-up companies in the medical, IoT, environmental, and space industries.


NCネットワーク 加工事業部門を分社化・事業拡大へ


プレスリリース全文 2020年5月21日




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